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Iah D-scour 30gm

Iah D-scour 30gm

Regular price $25.30 AUD
Regular price Sale price $25.30 AUD
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D-Scour Past
Non-antibiotic treatment & control of scours
Australia: Concentrated multi-strain probiotic with garlic extract as an aid in the treatment and control of scour in animals.
For horses, foals, ponies, cattle, calves, sheep, goats, lambs, kids, pigs and piglets
Formulated to control scours through the combined action of selected natural live micro-organisms (probiotics) complemented by a natural yet powerful antimicrobial
Natural product - does not contain any chemical or antibiotic components
Both the probiotics and the antimicrobial attack the micro-organisms which cause scouring without affecting the beneficial bacteria within the animal's gut
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