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Io Mectec Cattle Pour On

Io Mectec Cattle Pour On

Regular price $200.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $200.00 AUD
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ACTIVE: 5 g/L IVERMECTIN. For the treatment and control of Ivermectin-sensitive internal and external parasites of beef and dairy cattle. Controls & Prevents: For the treatment and control of ivermectin sensitive: Gastrointestinal nematodes. Lungworms: (adult and immature) Dictyocaulus viviparus. Eyeworm: Thelazia spp. (adult stages). Sucking and Biting Lice: Linognathus vituli, Haematopinus eurysternus, Bovicola bovis, Solenopotes capillatus. Mites: Chorioptes bovis, Sarcoptes scabiei var bovis. Buffalo Flies: Haematobia irritans exigua g. Cattle Ticks: (Boophilus microplus) including organophosphate, synthetic pyrethroid- and amidine-resistant strains.
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